Troop 28 Families,
Happy New Year Troop 28 Scouts and Families!
As we begin the new year of Scouting, the troop committee has also made updates to the troop’s recycling fundraising process of required participation.
Many, if not all troop members know the troop’s recycling of returnable cans and plastic bottles is our only fundraising. This activity supports a portion of the annual registration costs, troop equipment, supplies and covers most of the cost for monthly camping trips along with an offset to summer camp. It’s a simple process of collecting and organizing returnable cans and plastic bottles at the Cohasset transfer station. This role also provides a community service that scouts are involved with and is just another way to connect with the towns residence.
While we have slowly been transitioning back to the “assigned shift” methodology of the past, we have provided the opportunity for scouts and adult to sign up when their available allows. We will now be transition closer to the older methodology. You can choose the shift that you are available for over the next 3 months. Which is a first come first serve signup process using the link below. However we will then start the process of assigning shifts during the next week. If a scout/parent does not sign up they will be contacted and assigned a shift. So check your schedules and sign up as soon possible.
Important change: Each scout in Troop 28 will need to complete a two hour shift with an adult (parent, guardian, sibling 18 or older). Scouts cannot work their shift without a parent/guardian present for the entire shift, as required as part of BSA’s youth protection policy.
Process Methodology:
Returnable plastic bottles and aluminum cans are sorted and bagged. Plastic bottles are sorted by size and counted by bag. Returnable cans are not counted but fill a plastic bag to max capacity. Non-returnable bottles and cans are sorted out and discarded in the appropriate area at the RTF. If you need additional training, please contact your Scoutmaster.